Friday, April 15, 2011

Ruff Love

Poor Maui!
2 weeks and 1 day of Susan Garretts Ruff Love program to the letter.
And why? You may ask!

Maui is without question the best dog that I have ever had. He doesn't steal, chew or jump on anything that he shouldn't. He loves his crate and is very happy to spend endless periods of time there. In fact he is such a good dog that he has never heard the word NO! 
So why is he on the Ruff Love program... To build a better relationship with me.

Maui has learnt that if I am busy he can play with a toy on his own. The toy has become more interesting then me! So has the garden or any other distraction. So when I call him his response is, later lady can't you see I'm busy now!
This behaviour in the family pet is fine but we have a dream!... O.k so I have a dream... AGILITY STARDOM and beyond!

So... Ruff Love! 

Even after 2 weeks... each morning Maui refuses to come out of his crate. As this is when he gets his Gentle Leader put on. " I don't need no gentle leader Lady". BUT unfortunately for Maui he has a weakness for full fat cheese and this is how he begins each day!

I can not believe what a difference this program has made. My food driven dog after just 2 weeks is enjoying tugging with toys, returning toys to me and finding me interesting! 

Thank you Susan Garrett!

We are also currently doing her recallers course. WOW! 
Now if he would only stop reactive barking ... Success would be ours!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We get the dog we need...

...not always the dog we want.

I've heard that said numerous times, and I've always thought it was meant to make someone feel better about having a crazy, out of control dog  ::cough::Kimma::cough::

But the more I think about it, I do believe that "saying" has some merit.

I'm new to this whole thing, as last Friday marked my 1 year, 2 month anniversary of being a dog owner.  I always thought I would love having a dog that was easy, but still had high enough energy to enjoy lots of training and walks/hikes.  I NEVER thought that I would love having a dog that was as impossible as Kimma.  But I really do.

She and I have become so bonded, it's ridiculous.  The vet makes comments about it, as do people at the dog park/training class, and even my husband, Justin, claims that all she wants in life is to be near me.  Not to say that I don't love Pentti, because I absolutely do, but the relationship I have with Kimma is just so much deeper - probably because she can be such a terror and we've worked so hard to get where we are now.

In reflecting on all of this, I am realizing that even our personalities are quite alike.  The same goes for Justin with Pentti, and Margie with Maui.

Kimma is naturally very anxious, as am I.  She projects this in her leash-reactivity, and boredom barking.  She needs something to do, as do I.  Otherwise, we both become restless.  We also both have a bit of ADHD, which can turn into anxiety - we need something to do, but it has to change constantly.

Pentti is really laid back, as is Justin.  However, if you want to play ball/frisbee/tug with Pentti, he's all about!  Same goes for Justin with physical activity (running and playing hockey).  Both Pentti and Justin are totally cool with down time, but they can go all out with the best of them.  And neither of them likes to be around large groups.

Maui is a very particular dog.  He likes things to be a certain way, as Margie does.  Maui doesn't like to do things like roll on the grass, or in the dirt - he even protests when you try to make him lie down on an unclean surface!  But he does want to please, and likes having people/friends around him.

I'm not sure whether we push these traits on our dogs because of our own personalities, or if we just happen to get dogs to compliment us.  But the similarities are quite amusing, and the bonds we build are strong.

Though maybe not quite strong enough to cause a good recall....  ::cough::Kimma::cough::

"But...  But I love you!" says Kimma!